Why Consciousness Matters: Part II


In my last blog on Why Consciousness Matters (and how to increase yours), I detailed how the small, consistent changes make a huge impact. Essentially you’re allowing yourself to ‘work through more stuff’ at a higher rate and with more intensity.

Some of you might not know where to start with that. You might be too impatient. That’s understandable. And while there’s no real shortcut for longterm success, I’ll give you 3 ways to avoid the scenic route.

I’ll tell you how.

  1. Individual Route - There is so much information out there these days, you can immediately jumpstart your consciousness journey. Look things up on YouTube. Google it. Take a MasterClass. This will require individual discipline.

    Most willpower; Least amount of money; Least efficiency.

  2. Group Route - Take a class. Feeding off the energy of others and an instructor, there is less willpower involved here. From here, you can also connect with like-minded individuals outside of the class. Your main effort is showing up.

    A little more willpower; A little more money; Moderate efficiency.

  3. Professional Route - Get individual help with a professional. You’ve got to show up, but this person is trained to get the most out of you as possible. They know your weaknesses and strengths and this will be your fastest way towards acquiring the most consciousness.

    Least willpower; Most money; Most efficiency.

When starting, I recommend going in this order—individual, group, and professional—to gain higher consciousness in any one area. It’s unfortunate that you’re need to invest more money for better results, but you can also reframe this thought.

Let’s say that you invest you go towards the Professional Route in the practice of Yoga. You get hands-on training. You know how each pose is supposed to feel. Think about how this will jumpstart you practicing Individually or in Group. You’ll be infinitely better.

As a result of your expedited yoga efficiency, your anxiety has decreased and your consciousness has become 5x better. In what would have taken you a year to get 50% of the results, you accomplished it in a month of hands-on training. After all, you learned for a master. Think of the residual effect of this in your life.

  • Would you adopt a different group of higher consciousness friends?

  • Would you have developed the self-confidence to ask for a raise after 2 months instead of 2 years?

  • Would you have developed the awareness to consider a new career path?

  • Would your relationships with your family and coworkers become more loving? Would you enact more boundaries as necessary?

  • Will you be more inclined to go to bed and wake up earlier?

When you lend yourself to higher vibrations, the impact of this cannot help but manifest in every other area of your life. Your consciousness must increase everywhere. This is the Pareto Principle. 80% of the effect comes from 20% of the effort. This means that your growth can be exponentially multiplied as you are able to work through more stuff. If you are able to improve yourself just 5% in an area, your opportunities will be more than multiplied by 5%. And this goes the opposite way too.

Let’s say you’re not getting help in a dysfunctional relationship. You’re experiencing Co-dependency. You realize that not just the relational aspect of your love life becomes skewed, right? This will literally impact every other area of your life. The stress you carry from that relationship carries into every other relationship and activity.

So go ahead and look up tips and tricks Individually. Read books. Enforce boundaries. Then go ahead and look towards Groups. Maybe this is meeting up with others. Maybe this is joining a forum or taking a group class. Then seek help with a Professional. They’ll deeply get into the roots on a personal level.

So let’s go back to the beginning. If you don’t want to take the scenic route with life, I encourage to start looking for specific places where you can invest a little more of yourself, and I’d be curious as to the residual results.

All of the growth areas imply action. Each action commands a significant increase in consciousness. We’ve also only got a certain amount of willpower. If you’re continually investing your willpower in areas that aren’t yielding the type of results you’re desiring, it might be time to change your approach.

I’d be curious at to how your forward actions in any one area affects your consciousness as a whole. I bet you’ll start to see other areas of your life mirror this energy force.

If you’d like to start with a resource on Individually progressing with this via book form, I recommend Joe Dispenza’s, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One. Dispenza goes into depth on how to spiritually, mentally, physically, and epigenetically rewire yourself.